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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Why does back pain in the lumbar region. What are myofascial pains and how to get rid of them. Pain associated with pathology of the spine and other causes. How to eliminate and how to treat pain in the lower back.
    29 October 2022
  • Classification of back pain according to the location of the pathology, duration, etiology, and other characteristics. Causes of pain are of vertebral and extravertebral origin, during pregnancy, and from coronavirus. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of back pain.
    12 October 2021
  • Cervical fibroids are what, what causes, symptoms, severity, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
    6 August 2021
  • Arthritis (osteoarthritis) is a disease that impairs the function of the joints: causes, symptoms, which joints have osteoarthritis? Coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis.
    5 August 2021